Who Represents Your Practice in Integrated Care?

What is Integrated Care?

“Integrated care” is the term used to describe provider organisations in the NHS working together to improve care for patients.  The ambition of the NHS, as described in the Five Year Forward View, is to move away from a system of care organised via contracts between providers and commissioners, towards one in which groups of providers are given the budget to work together to deliver outcomes for a local population.

Why is it important for GP practices?

Within an integrated care system GP practices will have stronger relationships with local community services teams, social care, the voluntary sector and even the local hospital.  It will also change the way that GP practices receive (some of) their money.  Whilst the core contract will remain nationally negotiated and paid directly to practices, other income streams such as enhanced services will ultimately come via the new provider partnership (or integrated care “system” or “partnership”).

When will this happen?

There is no national timetable for the changes, as there has been no new legislation to dictate it.  Each area is implementing changes in line with their local STP (Sustainability and Transformation Plan).  Eight areas nationally are acting as pilot systems to “fast track” the introduction of the new system.

The changes have, however, already started, primarily through a push for practices to work together in populations of 30-50,000.  This is evident in the procurement of extended access for general practice, and CCGs have been explicitly asked to “encourage” practices to work together at this scale.


What will integrated care look like locally?

There is no blueprint for what integrated care will look like.  The lack of legislation means there is freedom for each area to determine this for itself.  We are currently in the critical period where each area is deciding and agreeing how integrated care will develop locally.  Providers and commissioners are meeting together to work this out, in meetings with a range of titles but that generally include the terms STP or Accountable Care System/Partnership or Integrated Care System/Partnership.

How is my practice represented in these discussions about integrated care?

This is an important question.  I carried out a quick poll on twitter to find out.  The results are below:

It is not surprising that practices do not think they are represented by their CCG or LMC. CCGs cannot represent practices, as they are a commissioning body that exists to represent their local population not their practices. LMCs have traditionally been the representatives of general practice. The challenge for LMCs is convincing the other providers they are there as a genuine partner rather than trade union. Integrated care is about building partnerships between providers, not negotiating terms. Some LMCs have stepped up into the role (Tracey Vell in Manchester is the obvious example) but many are simply not able to.

This essentially leaves federations (where they exist) to represent their practices, unless practices are of a size (so called “super practices”) to represent themselves. Some federations have been reluctant to take this on, because their relationship with their members is not one where they feel they can speak on their behalf. Some areas have not included GP federations in the meetings about integrated care. Whatever the reason, the absence of a federation around the table means that many GP practices are not currently represented in these important discussions.

What happens if no one represents me?

There are (at least) two consequences of practices not being represented in discussions about integrated care. The first is that general practice, as the provider of by far the largest number of patient contacts, has no voice in determining what the local integrated care system will end up looking like. The second is that acute trusts, community trusts and other large provider organisations will have the greatest influence on how care is organised and how local funds are allocated between providers in the future.

Why is no one asking how I want to be represented?

The representation of general practice is difficult because of the large number of practices, and because it is not a contract negotiation but a building of relationships between providers. It falls to general practice to organise itself so that it can be represented effectively and build relationships with the rest of the system. There is no incentive for other providers to take on this responsibility for general practice. Tracey Vell talks about how she had to fight to secure a place for general practice around the top table making these decisions in Manchester.

How can I ensure I am represented?

Practices need to do two things:

Establish who (if anyone) is representing you in local integrated care discussions. If it is no one, agree with the other local practices who should be representing you, and then push for this to happen.

Create an explicit agreement with this organisation to establish what they can and cannot agree on your behalf, and what requires further discussion and debate with you directly. Don’t make their job representing you impossible, and ensure they have a strong mandate so they can have a powerful voice with the other providers around the integrated care table. Agree the feedback and communication mechanisms to be put in place between the discussions and the practices, and review them regularly.

Who represents your practice in integrated care?

In summary, it is of critical importance for the future that general practice is represented, and represented well, in the local discussions that are taking place now about integrated care and how the future system will be organised. It is up to each practice to ensure they are being represented, and for practices to work together to empower and enable those representing them to present a strong and unified voice. For federations it is vital they establish a mandate from their member practices to undertake this role on their behalf.


What is a Primary Care Network?

The concept of “primary care networks” is one of the most confusing I have come across in recent times. This is saying something given the plethora of new acronyms and ideas that have sprung to prominence in the last few years (think STP, PACS, MCP, PCH etc). Here I try and unpick what they actually are.

Primary care networks have something of a mysterious past. They first appeared in NHS England’s update last year on the Five Year Forward View, where they claimed they would,

Encourage practices to work together in ‘hubs’ or networks. Most GP surgeries will increasingly work together in primary care networks or hubs. This is because a combined patient population of at least 30,000-50,000 allows practices to share community nursing, mental health, and clinical pharmacy teams, expand diagnostic facilities, and pool responsibility for urgent care and extended access. They also involve working more closely with community pharmacists, to make fuller use of the contribution they make. This can be as relevant for practices in rural areas as in towns or cities, since the model does not require practice mergers or closures and does not necessarily depend on physical co-location of services. There are various routes to achieving this that are now in hand covering a majority of practices across England, including federations, ‘super-surgeries’, primary care homes, and ‘multispecialty community providers’. Most local Sustainability and Transformation Plans are intending to accelerate this move, so as to enable more proactive or ‘extensivist’ primary care. Nationally we will also use funding incentives – including for extra staff and premises investments – to support this process.”

I remember reading this last year and thinking that it looked anomalous, out of kilter with the prevailing rhetoric of supporting GPs to manage their way out of the current crisis with the promise of extra resources and extra staff. They had not featured in the GP Forward View, where you would expect such a dramatic change for general practice to take centre stage, or even before that in the Five Year Forward View.

Maybe there had been a mistake, some sort of internal breakdown in communications within the towers of NHS England. But no, in an article in GP Online from March last year, NHS England’s Director of Primary Care Dr Arvind Madan said of these networks,

“This now becomes the new delivery scaffolding across the system. And it may be how they organise themselves in terms of access, and population and place-based care, and how they will be meaningful neighbourhoods for services to patients in terms of the offer they get too.”

But then all went quiet again on the primary care networks front. Despite the boldness of the earlier claims, nothing was seemingly happening to make these stated ambitions a reality. Efforts focussed on supporting practices through clinical pharmacists, resilience support and the like.   Until, that is, the recent planning guidance was published, which mentioned “incipient primary care networks” (like they are even a thing) and CCGs were told to “actively encourage every practice to be part of a local primary care network”.

What should we make of this? What is a primary care network? I can imagine CCG leads reading the words in the planning guidance and scratching their heads at what exactly it is they are being asked to do.

The use of “primary care network” seems to have appeared because learning from the vanguards demonstrated that for accountable/integrated care systems to work, they require general practice to be joined together into populations of 30-50,000, as the building blocks of the new system. This joining together of practices, how it happened and what it looks like is very different within each of the vanguards, although was consistently borne out of a huge investment of time, relationships and effort into building and developing trust. The term on its own, however, merely describes the end-state.

It also appears to be a term used to retrospectively fit the move in general practice towards operating at a greater scale into a policy direction. According to NHS England the “routes” to primary care networks include “federations, super-surgeries, primary care homes, and multispecialty community providers”. All very different things. Yes, they all involve previously separate GP practices working together, but they cover a very broad spectrum of what that means in practice. The term primary care network is seemingly used as a generic descriptor of where different areas who have embarked upon a journey of practices working together have arrived.

Herein lies the complexity. A primary care network is not an actual thing that can be defined or described in any detail. This is because the journey for each group of practices that chooses to work together is different and will lead to a wide range of different destinations. For some it will end up in super-practices, for others a federation, for others a primary care home, and for others something totally different. Most confusingly, very few (if any) will end up at a place that is called a “primary care network”.

So let’s not add “primary care network” to the already full lexicon of NHS terminology. Joint work across GP practices is a journey not a destination, and use of the term primary care network pulls focus unhelpfully away from the journey and onto the destination. Let’s hope CCGs do not take their new commands to heart, and that a new industry doesn’t arise in trying to create something that we can’t define.

Guest Blog – My GP by Sarah Smizz

The following Blog was previously published by Sarah in a series of tweets (@smizz) and is published here with her kind permission. Thanks Sarah!

Ah, my GP is flipping amazing. I can’t explain how good it really is to have someone who knows you & your medical conditions & what matters – someone who just, like, knows this without ever looking back at the records. Someone who sees a longer & bigger picture.

Sometimes we have disagreements on what the longer picture looks like. In the beginning we’d argue. But he was the only GP at the time who decided to take responsibility for me. Most let me jump from GP to GP. But after every test he’d say, “you do this & you come back to me”

I didn’t know at the time the benefits of having continuous care. I was young & impatient. But now I really get it. Today he instantly knew I had an infection (cuz he knows what my normal is), he prescribed me more stuff cuz of a previous diagnosis to help with current sickness

I whined about my leg being numb esp when I run around 5K & how I wanna run half a marathon & I can’t get past 10K (which is still a HUGE mile marker for me). I said all of my friends can run a (half) marathon & I can’t! & he was like:

“Not all of your friends Sarah. I can’t run a half marathon & I’m your friend.” It sounds proper Cheesy to write but also it felt really genuine.

He asked me about PhD work, what Prague & Japan was like. He told me about a beautiful Japanese animation he watched the other night on Amazon Prime. Even Googled it. I gave him Japanese weird tasting Kit-Kats & he seemed pretty made-up by my gesture.

Then I went on my way, not before he gave me his wise-words full of living life & selfcare wisdom as I went to leave. Dude has his moments as a proper philosophical guru. Then of course, he made sure – as per – that I come back to him to check-in in a few weeks.

GP’s will NEVER be replaced esp by apps. And we need to make sure we take care of them, as they take care of us because they’re the backbone of the NHS and the community. And my GP turns out to also hold me up when I feel like I’m falling down. I know they do this for everyone.

What the 2018/19 NHS Planning Guidance Means for General Practice

I have always wondered who actually reads NHS planning guidance. It contains really important information, but it is always so dry and impenetrable (deliberately?) that most will rely on “bluffers” briefings from others. So here is my “bluffers” briefing for you (although it is here in full for the brave hearted). There are three key messages for general practice:


1.The Obsession with GP Access Continues

Buoyed by the apparent success of introducing extended access across groups of practices at evenings and weekends, the timetable for 100% coverage across the country has been moved up by 6 months to 1st October this year. How much of the heralded 52% of the country that is already covered have permanent (as opposed to pilot) arrangements in place is not known, so expect a plethora of hastily put together procurements to emerge in the coming weeks. These are likely to represent something of a risk to local systems, because if the tenders are not awarded to local practices it will mean a fifth of the GPFV investment going elsewhere (£500m of the promised GPFV £2.4bn is for extended access), and GP engagement in integrated working may suffer as a result.


2.The Rise and Rise of STPs and Integrated Care Systems

And integrated working, as I am sure you already know, is now king. The furore over accountable care systems/organisations has led to a renaming as “Integrated Care Systems”. That should do it. More interesting is some of the insight the narrative provides as to how these will operate in future.

In the short term, the power and influence of STPs will rise. They will have “an increasingly prominent role in planning and managing system wide efforts to improve services”. They are expected to develop their management infrastructure. They will be the conduit for capital allocations.

It doesn’t stop there. Over time “we envisage Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) will replace STPs”. These ICSs will have one plan across all their constituent organisations, rather than there being a collection of individual organisational plans. It will be the role of the ICS to assure and track the progress of its member organisations. If an individual trust or CCG has financial or quality issues “the leadership of the ICS will play a key role in agreeing what remedial action needs to be taken”. This is code for ICSs being able to fire the CEOs of the member organisations, the key determinant of where the power lies.

What role this leaves for CCGs (the guidance also all but outlaws the use of contract penalties) is very difficult to identify. Most likely is an acceleration of the merging of CCG teams and the development of a (heavily reduced) “strategic commissioning” functions coterminous with the STP/ICS area.

The development of ICSs will also impact general practice directly. For an area to become an ICS they need “compelling plans to integrate primary care, mental health, social care and hospital services using population health approaches to redesign care around people at risk of becoming acutely unwell. These models will necessarily require the widespread involvement of primary care, through incipient networks”.

Incipient networks? Anyone? All becomes clearer later on in the guidance as CCGs are directed to “actively encourage every practice to be part of a local primary care network, so that there is complete geographically contiguous population coverage of primary care networks as far as possible by the end of 2018/19, serving populations of at least 30,000 to 50,000”.

“Geographically contiguous” is new. I know plenty of areas that have encouraged practices to form networks with like-minded practices, regardless of geographical location. They won’t be happy. It is all very reminiscent of CCG-formation days. And what “actively encourage” means is anyone’s guess. Carrot or stick? Time will tell.


3.There is No New Money

Were you expecting any? The message for general practice is essentially investment will continue as outlined in the GP Forward View (and if you missed it, here’s a quick reminder of why the promised £2.4bn is not £2.4bn) – i.e. there is no additional, previously unannounced money. You should still expect the balance of the £3 a head one-off commitment from CCGs between 2017 and 2019, as well as the remaining sustainability and resilience funding to be spent next year (75% by December 2018, and 100% by March 2019).

Financial pressure in the system means “non-elective demand management” is to make up the majority of the CCG Quality Premium scheme. Urgent care will be a focus, but the elective position essentially just must not get any worse. GP referrals are assumed to remain flat (“increase by 0.8% i.e. no change per working day” – whatever that means). And, the guidance confidently states, “there will be no additional winter funding in 2018/19” (there will).

There is a push on CCGs to reduce the routine prescribing of 18 ineffective and low clinical value medicines, and savings against this are “assumed” for CCGs, so expect more pressure here. There is also a national consultation on reducing prescribing “of over-the-counter medicines for 33 minor, short-term health concerns, as well as vitamins and probiotics”.

Finally, there is one other bizarre addition I wanted to point out – a requirement for CCGs to ensure every practice implements at least two of the high impact “time to care” actions. Make of that what you will, but it does seem to highlight the persistent inability of the system to distinguish between top down and bottom up.


There you go – the essentials of the planning guidance in one five-minute chunk – now you can bluff with confidence!

Funding Federations – The Accountable Care Conundrum

You will need to bear with me this week as I try and explain why the funding of GP federations is a critical issue for emerging accountable care systems, because moving to a new non-legislated system is (unsurprisingly) complicated.

Let’s start at the beginning. The principle behind accountable care is one of providers working in partnership with each other to redesign services to improve outcomes. By the way, if “accountable care” does become “integrated care” (or some such) in the next few months, it won’t change anything other than introduce a new set of terms for exactly the same thing – it is simply the price (in my view acceptable) we have to pay for non-legislated reform.

For accountable care to work, one of these providers has to be general practice. In an accountable care system/partnership/organisation (delete as locally appropriate) general practice needs to work in partnership with other local providers. The whole concept builds on the registered list of general practice, and of providing services that are joined together and tailored to meet local needs.

But there are lots of GP practices. Too many for local providers to all build a relationship with each of them individually. As a result, someone has to act on behalf of practices. Partnership between general practice and the rest of the system can’t work without this.

Who, then, should take on this role for practices? Well it can’t be the CCG because they have been established to represent the needs of their local population, not of GP practices as providers. LMCs? The main problem here is that practices need someone to partner on their behalf with the rest of the system. While LMCs are good at representing and articulating the needs of practices, partnership has not historically been a strength. They are also often perceived more as a trade union by other NHS providers. So while in theory LMCs are an option, the reality is without exceptional leadership they are not. Which leaves GP federations (in the absence of a local super-practice) as the best vehicle to enable general practice and the rest of the system to partner with each other.

GP federations are experiencing something of a resurgence at present, as practices seek to gain the benefits of working at scale without formally merging. But one of their challenges, as anyone working within a developing federation will know, is that they don’t have any money. The delivery of some services will create a small margin, but this is rarely enough to fund enough more than a skeleton management team.

Here we (at last) come to the crux of the problem. The system needs GP federations to ensure general practice are part of the provider partnership that underpins accountable care. But partnership working and the building of effective relationships takes time, which someone has to pay for. For GP federations the task is doubly difficult, because at the same time as creating new relationships they have to ensure they have a mandate from their practices and keep them on board with any agreements they make. How can the leaders of GP federations find time for this? Should they do it out of goodwill, and effectively pay for it out of their own pocket by giving their time for free? Should the host practices of the emergent GP leaders bear the cost? Or do we expect the member practices of the federation to contribute the ongoing cost of federation leaders both attending system wide meetings and reporting back to them as the accountable care model develops?

None of these are realistic. So the conundrum is how can federations and those representing general practice be funded to ensure that accountable care systems develop to include general practice?

Answers on a postcard. If this conundrum has been solved in your area I would love to hear how. Email me at ben@ockham.healthcare. Next week I will share the responses (if there are any!) and attempt to consider what mechanisms might be available to find a way through this thorny issue.

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